Modern Day slavery

Recently i have been involved in alot of work and projects related to human trafficing. I could not believe that at this time and age people were still treated by other in such horrible ways.

Human trafficing still exist and its a very profitable market in the new era of globalisation. The number of people living under a dollar a day is increasing as the years go by. In under developed countries, due to the high levels of unemployment and poverty, people seek for greener pastures in the developed world.

Women are the highest victims of trafficing. In some under developed countries women donot have the same opportunities as the men. They have little or no level of eductaion, they work on the fields and usually on very low wages. They handel the bigger percentage of caring for their families.Such women can often only see 3 options to escape poverty and earn enough to feed their family: marry a "rich" foreigner, find employment abroad or prostitution.

Their attempts to free themselves from poverty makes them easy preys for traffickers, smugglers or criminal marriage agencies. In many cases the women are sold to brothels and forced into prostitution or become dependant on husbands who exploit them sexually and emotionally.

There are so many people involved in this process either directly or indirectly. I thought it would be my own way to contribute if i could tell a story each day of a victim. Letting everyone  know that we need to do our little to contribute to a better world.

This voice in this story could be you, your sister, your cousin, your mother or friend. What would you do if you are given a chance? Let us together change the world in our own little ways.


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