The evolution of Makeup
As a little girl i always wondered about the origin of makeup. Then growing older i wondered how its origin connected to the ancient concept of the evil eye. The evil eye is a belief that is reflected in virtually every culture known to mankind.
In order to understand the constantly changing trends in cosmetics, its interesting to take a look at the evolution of Makeup. Men and women from different cultures and origins have worn make-up for centuries. The styles of make up have certainly taken a dramatic change.
The earliest historical records date far back as the 1st Dynasty of Egypt(c.3100-2907 BC). Tombs revealed unguent jars. These jars included products to combat stretch marks, minimize wrinkles, eliminate scars and encourage hair growth. Egyptians were very particular about their eye makeup, popular shades of eye make up were black and green. The green color was made of malachite and oxide copper. The black kohl was called galena.
Women in Greco-Roman wore white lead chalk on their faces. During the European middle ages, pale skin was a sign of wealth. The Perisan women used henna dyes to stain thier hair and faces. They had the belief that these dyes enables them to summon the majesty of the earth.
Spanish prostitutes on the other hand wore pink makeup. Thirteenth century affluent women donned pink lipstick as proof they could afford synthetic makeup.
Cosmetics were seen as a health threat in Elizabethan England, although women wore egg whites over their faces for a glazed look.
During the reign of Charles II, heavy makeup began to surface as a means to contradict the pallor from being inside due to illness epidemics.
During the French Restoration in the 18th century, red rouge and lipstick were used to give the impression of a healthy, fun-loving spirit.
During the reign of Charles II, heavy makeup began to surface as a means to contradict the pallor from being inside due to illness epidemics.
During the French Restoration in the 18th century, red rouge and lipstick were used to give the impression of a healthy, fun-loving spirit.
The real evolution began during the 19th century. Women during this era made their own form of mascara by adding hot beads of wax to the tips of their eyelashes. Some used petroleum jelly for this purpose. The first mascara formulated was named after Mabel, the sister of the creator T.L Williams. This mascara is known today as Maybelline. In 1914, Max Factor introduced his pancake makeup. Vogue featured Turkish women using henna to outline their eyes, and the movie industry took interest. This technique made the eye look larger and the word ´vamp´became associated with these women. Vamp which is short for vampire.
From the 1930´s to the 50´s, various stars were models of current trends in makeup. The 60´s came with a more liberated makeup look. From white lips, Egyptian-lined eyes, white faces and red lipstick to painted images on faces. Heavily line eyes continued till date with a wide range of eye shadow colors. Today´s makeup has a blend of the past with a more natural and fresher look.
Now as an adult i have a picture of what makeup looked like in the past and present. I wonder what the future adds to this incredible evolution of cultures.
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