
Beauty and Culture: Eva´s Story as a victim of trafficing.

Beauty and Culture: Eva´s Story as a victim of trafficing. : I have to start my life from here all over again. Someone who has no idea of what i have been through would think i am lucky. I feel l...

Eva´s Story as a victim of trafficing.

I have to start my life from here all over again. Someone who has no idea of what i have been through would think i am lucky. I feel like an animal in a cage. Every minute i fear , i donot know how long i am suppose to stay here, what would i do when i have my freedom back? There would probaly be a more painfall dead waiting for me, because i have betrayed the people who took my freedom and my inner happiness away. Sooner or later i will get my revenge. They have enriched themselves through the exploitation of  many defenceless women like me. Everyday i wake up afraid, for how long will i stay protected? if I will hear someday,someone say "you are going now to your country, we shall not need your services any more" and who would suggest that for me to go back to my country would not be the same doom? I have no fear to die at anytime, but i donot want to be put to death in an agonizing way, long tortures and long humilations. These people are savages, they have fun t...

Modern Day slavery

Recently i have been involved in alot of work and projects related to human trafficing. I could not believe that at this time and age people were still treated by other in such horrible ways. Human trafficing still exist and its a very profitable market in the new era of globalisation. The number of people living under a dollar a day is increasing as the years go by. In under developed countries, due to the high levels of unemployment and poverty, people seek for greener pastures in the developed world. Women are the highest victims of trafficing. In some under developed countries women donot have the same opportunities as the men. They have little or no level of eductaion, they work on the fields and usually on very low wages. They handel the bigger percentage of caring for their families.Such women can often only see 3 options to escape poverty and earn enough to feed their family: marry a "rich" foreigner, find employment abroad or prostitution. Thei...

Neck Rings

Wondering what neck rings are? They are formed with one or more spiral metal coils of many turns worn as an ornament around the neck of an individual. In a few African and Asian cultures neck rings are worn to  create  the appearance that the neck has been stretched. A Kayan girl showing here beauty   The Kayan(Burma) is an indigenous tribe in Myanmar/Asian who practice the art of the neck ring. They considered a long neck as beautiful. It also showed of the families valuable metal rings, indicating wealth. A women wore up to twenty pounds of rings on her neck. At the age of two and in some other cases five, girls are introduced to their first neck ring. As the grow older rings are added. This will give them an elongated neck and will attract husbands. Kayan women   In Africa the neck ring culture is found amongst the Ndebele tribe. The reason is the same, it gives an appearance of stretching the neck and some form of beauty. They used copper rings as well. ...

A brief on Dread locks.

Dreadlocks  to most is a black thing, after doing some research i found out that dread locks has been in somany cultures since ancient times. If you are interested to know more as i was, read on. Ancient Times Dreadlocks have been around since the dawn of time. Ancient Egyptians wore them , ancient Asian emperor´s wore them, cavemen wore them even John the Baptist and Samson wore them. The first writing available about dreadlocks is in the Veda scriptures of India , the earliest piece dated to 1800 Bc. Many people and tribes wore dreadlocks , the Germanic tribes, The Greeks the Nazorites, the Pacific people and the Naga Indians.  The Mau tribe wore dreadlocks to intimidate the colonizers of Kenya in East Africa. Even Caesar claimed that the Celts wore dreadlocks by describing them as having ´hair like snakes´. Slavery The actual word dreadlocks comes from Jamaica, made up in the early movement of the Rastafarian, dreadlocks came from the word dread for mean...

The evolution of Makeup

As a little girl i always wondered about the origin of makeup. Then growing older i wondered how its origin connected to the ancient concept of the evil eye . The evil eye is a belief that is reflected in virtually every culture known to mankind. In order to understand the constantly changing trends in cosmetics, its interesting to take a look at the evolution of Makeup. Men and women from different cultures and origins have worn make-up for centuries. The styles of make up have certainly taken a dramatic change. The earliest historical records date far back as the 1st Dynasty of Egypt(c.3100-2907 BC). Tombs revealed unguent jars. These jars included products to combat stretch marks, minimize wrinkles, eliminate scars and encourage hair growth. Egyptians were very particular about their eye makeup, popular shades of eye make up were black and green. The green color was made of malachite and oxide copper. The black kohl was called galena. Women in Greco-Roman wore white lead chalk on th...